Portable-Cart Jetter

Portable-Cart Jetter
2 models available:
12-GPM 3000-PSI (3012 model) or
9-GPM 4000-PSI (4009 model)
*Optional Propane Fueled-Jetter
- All Controls for safe operation are Panel Mounted just below the Hose-Reel
- Draws water from Hose-Bib or easily connects to a Larger Water-Tank (several tank-sizes available, or provide your own)
- Easily Remove Portability Kit for mounting in your Van, Truck, Trailers as a Skid.
Call For Quote: 510-406-8214
All Controls are conveniently Panel-Mounted below the Hose-Reel for efficient operation:
Engine Key-Switch and Engine-Throttle are located on panel, near the Jetting controls
Adjustable Pressure Regulator: provides a wide range of adjustment and enables the use of Remote Shutoff-Valves or Foot-Pedals
Pressure-Gauge (liquid-filled) on the panel shows working pressure
Pulsation-Control on panel adjusts from light vibration to full pulse mode
3-Way Jetting-Control Valve: directs water to the cleaning-nozzle OR dumps pressure by bypassing water back to the tank, keeping the pump cool
Engine Hour-Meter / Tachometer: helps track maintenance intervals, & shows engine RPM while running
Modular Frame Design can be configured for use as a Portable Jetter or as a compact Mountable-Skid Jetter; either option you choose can be changed later as your needs change
Welded Steel Roll Cage Frame with Powder-Coated finish
Heavy-Duty Hose Reel, welded steel A-Frame style with pillow block bearings
5000-PSI rated Hose Reel Swivel with Grease-fitting
300-ft. Premium Jetting -Hose, Made in USA
4-Nozzle Set included: Penetrator, Rotator, Pusher, Flusher
12-Gallon Water Buffer tank with internal Float Valve to prevent over-filling
Suitable for use as a “Buffer Tank” and/or an Antifreeze reservoir
Able to draw water from a larger tank (portable and mountable tanks are available options)
Kohler Fuel-Injected 747cc OHV Engine (or 25HP Optional Propane-Fueled Jetter)
UDOR “Super-Duty” Triplex Plunger Pump
5-Gallon Fuel Tank, CARB/EPA approved
Also Includes: Safety Nozzle Extension, Accessory-Adapter and Orifice-Cleaner tool
Dry Weight: 498 lbs.
Portable-Cart Jetter Dimensions: L 45″ X W 33″ X H 46″
See Tabs Below for Detailed Information

Options Include:
- Choose Mountable-Skid or add a Wheel & Brake-Kit for portability
- Choose 12-GPM/3000-PSI (3012 model) or 9-GPM/4000-PSI (4009 model)
- Choose from these 3 Hose-Reel types: (a) Hand-Crank Rewind, (b) 12-Volt Power-Rewind, or (c) 12-Volt Multi-Speed Power-Wind with Forward/Reverse Control
- Larger Water tanks to increase available water storage (Mountable or Portable tanks)
- Portable “Satellite” Hose-Reels for Remote / Indoor Jetting
- Mini-Hoses and small-drain Jetting-Kits
- Foot-Pedal Valves for Remote Jetting-Flow Control
- Root-Cutting and Grease-Clearing Nozzle-Heads available; WARTHOG, Grease-Hog, RootRanger, TurboChain, Jackhammer, Chisel, and many more