What Type of Camera Is Used for Pipe Inspections?

Cameras are an important tool for plumbers to use when inspecting sewers, stormwater networks, and residential plumbing systems. These types of cameras are often called sewer cameras. A variety of different camera equipment can be used for this task. Plumbers diagnose and treat issues within the systems. This quick guide will provide you with information on common sewer camera types that can be used for this important job.
Crawler Cameras
Crawler cameras are durable machines that can be remotely controlled. These are the inspection robots often used in municipal sewer systems. They are mounted on wheels and can crawl or roll through the pipes. They come equipped with a light source to help illuminate the area being videoed. These machines are often connected by a cable to a power source.
The remote control used for this type of camera can control the speed and direction of the machine.
Fixed Zoom Cameras
Fixed zoom cameras, sometimes called pole cameras, are used for videoing short distances. This type of camera has a fixed, high-definition camera head attached to the pole. This pole is lowered from the surface to the base of a pipe. The camera uses strong zoom features and focuses adjustment as well as lighting to capture footage and data for the operator located above.
Push Rod Cameras
Another type of camera useful for pipe inspections is the push rod camera. A push rod camera is often used in house connections or sewer laterals which can present challenges for the operator attempting to collect data. These locations often consist of small diameters and have frequent twists and turns. This is often difficult for regular pipe cameras to navigate. A push rod camera can be used in these situations because they are designed for hard-to-reach locations. The camera is designed as a coiled cable with a very slim camera head. This allows the camera to be inserted and controlled manually.
Inspection Rafts
Inspection rafts are used to cover long distances during an inspection. These might be used for outfall tunnels in large sewer systems. This type of camera can be sent downstream and then later caught with a hook or net. They are created to stay upright while floating and remain balanced.
Drone Cameras
Drones can also be used in pipe inspections. These are useful in large pipes that have a high flow. Crawler cameras are not often recommended for these types of situations.
Manhole Cameras
Many variations of a manhole camera can be used to collect photos and videos of the shaft leading down into the pipe channel of large sewer systems.
Jetter Nozzle Cameras
Hydro jetting equipment often comes with a nozzle camera so that the operator can see the debris or clogs that need to be removed.